Category Archives: Basement Plumbing

Ti’s Tips – How to “winterize” your home: Tip #1

November is here, and soon the weather will inevitably bring freezing temperatures that have the potential to cause havoc on plumbing systems!

Time to winterize. “Winterizing” means: to adapt or prepare something for use in cold weather.

Every year, starting around this time, plumbers are called-out to urgent situations resulting from frozen plumbing. Let me assure you, the vast majority of freeze-damaged plumbing is completely avoidable.

Tip #1:

Close or block-off your foundation vents: The foundation vents are circled in red. Winterizing Tip #1 is to close or block them off.

Foundation Vents

Sutherland Plumbing before and after.

Enough said.


Before and after with Sutherland Plumbing!

Before: Old, corroded pipes are a safety hazard in your home.

After: Brand new piping with quality workmanship by Sutherland Plumbing.

Pipe rupture warning!

Do any of your pipes look like this? If so, a pipe rupture may be imminent! Call the professionals at Sutherland Plumbing to have new, safe piping installed asap.

Don’t delay, call today!

Keep your home and family safe. Call Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015. Call today!

Before & After with Sutherland Plumbing!

Before: Old dangerous pipes present a health & safety hazard in the home.

Sutherland Plumbing, LLC: CCB# 200460

After: New, safe, high-quality pipes, professionally installed by Sutherland Plumbing!

Sutherland Plumbing, LLC: CCB# 200460

Sean Anderson, underground!

Sutherland Plumbing’s Sean Anderson gets a close-up view of the pipes at a home in Portland, Oregon.

Muddy Crawlspaces – No Problem!

Our Master Plumber & Co-owner, Ti Sutherland has no problem doing the dirty work when necessary. Sutherland Plumbing: whatever it takes!

Upgrade to a new “Tankless” water heater with Sutherland Plumbing!

Ready to upgrade to a new “Tanklees” water heater? Call the pros at Sutherland Plumbing: (503) 719-4015

Ti’s Tips – How to “winterize” your home: Tip #4

Winterizing Tip #4:

“Heat Tape” is another inexpensive way you can “winterize” your own home with just a quick trip to your local hardware store or home center!

“Heat Tape” comes in different shapes, sizes & lengths but basically is a cord that when energized creates resistance heat.

Think of a rope wrapped around pipes that you plug-in like your electric heating blanket.

“Heat Tape” is another inexpensive way you can “winterize” your own home with just a quick trip to your local hardware store or home center!

Ti’s Tips – How to “winterize” your home: Tip #1

Winter is upon us! The weather will inevitably bring freezing temperatures that have the potential to cause havoc on plumbing systems!

Time to winterize. “Winterizing” means: to adapt or prepare something for use in cold weather.

Every year around this time, plumbers are called-out to urgent situations resulting from frozen plumbing.

Let me assure you, the vast majority of freeze-damaged plumbing is completely avoidable.

1) Close or block-off your foundation vents: The foundation vents are circled in red. Winterizing Tip #1 is to close or block them off.

Foundation Vents