Category Archives: Plumbing Hoses

Just Say “No” to Clothes Washer Floods – Replace your Old Rubber Hoses Today!!

One of today’s service calls was from a distraught customer reporting a “tremendous flood” with their clothes washer and the water being shut-off by their neighbor. Result:

Clothes washer hoses

Rubber washing machine hoses don’t burst with no warning. To the contrary, rubber washing machine hoses do give you a warning. If you have rubber washing machine hoses 5 years or older – that’s your warning. We recommend high quality stainless steel “no burst” braided hoses as seen below. (Actual replacement today) 

Don't wait for that flood to happen. Call Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015 and have braided hoses installed in your home. Call today!

Don’t wait for that flood to happen. Call the professionals at Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015 and have braided hoses installed in your home. Call today!

Don't wait for that flood to happen. Call Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015 and have braided hoses installed in your home. Call today!

Don’t wait for that flood to happen. Call the professionals at Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015 and have braided hoses installed in your home. Call today!

Don't wait for that flood to happen. Call Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015 and have braided hoses installed in your home. Call today!

Don’t wait for that flood to happen. Call the professionals at Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015 and have braided hoses installed in your home. Call today!