Category Archives: Water Heaters

Sutherland Plumbing before and after.

Enough said.


Time to replace your water heater? Save $25 now!

When is the last time you took a good look at your water heater? If it has any characteristics of the one found in the picture below (or it is 15+ years old), it is a ticking time bomb! This water heater absolutely flooded our clients’ home causing untold thousands of dollars in damage! The tragedy is they said: “Yeah, I’ve been looking at that for the last seven months, I knew I should’ve gotten a new one!”

Waterproof rubber rain boots are for outside in the rain, we had to wear ours during this entire job to keep our socks dry while standing in the living room!

Show this post to the technician and receive a $25 discount towards the installation of a new water heater!

Old Water Heater


Protect your family, is the water pressure too high?

Ensuring Practical, Safe Working Water Pressure:

Municipal and private water companies use pumps & pumping stations to boost water pressure in the supply mains. This enables adequate water supply for fire-fighting and for high-rise buildings to overcome the loss of pressure as elevation increases. These pumps & pumping stations also maintain water supply to water towers and supply tanks. Pressure in water supply mains can exceed 200psi.

Most plumbing codes require water pressure reducing valves on domestic systems where the municipal water main’s pressure exceeds 80psi.

Higher pressures could rupture pipes, damage fixtures and injure the people using them.

Protect your family, have a water pressure reducing valve professionally installed. Call Sutherland Plumbing at (503) 719-4015

Upgrade to a new “Tankless” water heater with Sutherland Plumbing!

Ready to upgrade to a new “Tanklees” water heater? Call the pros at Sutherland Plumbing: (503) 719-4015

Kudos to Cameron!

October 30th 2020

Fantastic overall service! Cameron was the best plumber we’ve ever had work in our home. He identified and explained the problem, then repaired the leak we have been battling for several months. He was very knowledgeable, explained everything thoroughly, ensured I understood, was extremely professional and was very careful in our home.

He deserves an A+ for his knowledge, great communication skills, terrific work ethic and professionalism.

5 Stars (Google Reviews)

Marlis M – Portland, OR

Sutherland Plumbing’s Cameron Bloom.



Sutherland Plumbing – Before & After!

Sutherland Plumbing, LLC: CCB# 200460

Awesome new Bradford White “Heat-Pump” water heater!

Awesome new Bradford White “Heat-Pump” water heater. Install by Sutherland Plumbing.

Sutherland Plumbing, LLC: CCB# 200460

Sweet New Bradford White Water Heater Install by Sutherland Plumbing!

Need a high quality water heater installed? Call the pros at Sutherland Plumbing! (503) 719-4015

Wanna save some space?

Save a ton of space in your home with a “Tankless Water Heater” installed by the pros at Sutherland Plumbing!

Sutherland Plumbing, CCB# 200460

Quality Workmanship – It’s What We Do.

New Water Heater & Pipe Install by Sutherland Plumbing.

New Water Heater & Pipe Install by Sutherland Plumbing.